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TV Series ‘Kuch Kuch Dangdut’ told a story about a character starred by Lesti D’Academy who lives with her lover, Frans D’Academy who actually has married with other women (Eliza Sulaiman) in India.


While in India, Lesti finally know if Frans has married. Then comes Arun as a figure who able to cheer up and healing her broken heart. It turns out Arun falling in love with Lesti and trying to make Lesti falling for him.


But that not only the problem for Lesti, in fact her stepmother (Fairuz A Rafiq) is very cunning. In front of Lesti and her father (Fadlan), she always looks kind, but turns out she is a back stabber and want to destroy Lesti. Fortunately, Lesti still have someone to vent, and that’s is her biological mother (Della Puspita), who is very kind and her best friend, Aty D’Academy. Mean a while in Indonesia, Lesti also liked by the twins, Rizki and Ridho. Both of them like Lesti and want her to be their lover.

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